Saturday, March 19, 2016

I used to be "Skinny"...How to feel comfortable in your own skin

Happy Saturday friends! 

So here I am 2 full weeks into my journey, and still keeping it going.  I am still enjoying Cize, and making progress!  It was such a tough week, for me.  I took a rest day on Sunday because I had a late Saturday night and the time change got me all disoriented.  I didn't make it to my 2 pound goal, but losing 1.6 pounds the healthy way is just fine with me!  My clothes are fitting better, and even though there was more than one day I really did not want to get out of bed to work out, I did it anyway!  Slow progress is progress!! 

So last night when I was out with some friends, I don't remember the exactly conversation we were having, but I remember saying something about when I used to be "Skinny", I don't remember exactly what she said, but my friend Eva said something like "Don't feel bad or down about how you used to look" and that it's something I'm working on.  All week, I've been trying to think about what I was going to write about this week, and that conversation sparked it.  

How do I feel comfortable in my own skin? 

While, I am striving to become a happier healthier me, I need to remind myself that throughout this journey I must be comfortable simply being me.  But how does one do that?  Let's start from the very beginning (A very good place to start).  When we were kids, most of us were completely comfortable in our own skin.  Ignorance was truly bliss to us because we weren't aware of the world's ideals of what we should or should not be, or do, or look like.  As adults, we see the world in a new light.  We understand the realities of the world and how it wants us to be a certain way.  I can accept this and just be what the world wants me to be.  Or, I can understand the world, and create my own.  I can create my own one of a kind self in this world.  Am I saying you always have to go by the beat of your own drum? No, but I'm saying if you want to you should and be proud of it.  

During the previously mentioned conversation with my friends, I showed them a side by side picture of how fit I was and a dress I bought in 2012 and said "I want to look like that again".  While, yes, one of my goals is to fit into this dress again I don't want to go back to that part of my life.  Though it seemed like it was all fun and care free, it all came with a price.  I was working retail, stressed out, probably lost all the weight from being on my feet non-stop 12 hours a day and living on Starbucks, Auntie Anne's pretzels and Vodka Redbulls.  I was in and out of an unhealthy relationship and unhappy.  I probably said I wanted to lose weight to be healthy, but I really wanted to lose weight because I wanted to fit into clothes and be "more attractive to guys".  Even last year when I was striving for healthy living, let's be real, I just wanted to look good in my wedding dress. 

If you read my post 2 weeks ago, you know I'm not calling this a DIET.  I want this journey to be focused on living a healthy lifestyle.  It started with working on being physically healthy, but we cannot forget to be mentally healthy too.   Last week I talked about non-scale victories.  These victories are something that motivate me and help keep me positive and on my way to feeling comfortable in my own skin, but I wanted to think of more ways that would help me feel comfortable in my own skin, both physically and mentally.  So, here is my list of  5 Ways to Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin:

5.  Stop trying to impress others -- When you are too busy trying to impress others, you will never find the time to get to know yourself and what makes you truly happy

4.  Accept imperfection:  I love the saying "Strive for progress not perfection".  In the same sense, we should revel in our imperfections.   Some of the most confident people are those who embrace their unique look, talents and lifestyle.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it -- work it!

3.  Recognize the harm of being your own worst critic and find a healthy balance: Pushing yourself to do and be your best is a great quality to have, but criticizing  and putting yourself down when you've already done your best can hurt you.  It's important to recognize the difference and find that balance to keep you driven toward success.

2. Work that body – Regardless of your size or frame you will feel better about your body if you use it! I know I do!  Take a walk, dance, ride your bike, jump rope, or swim. The more you move it, the more you’ll love it.

1. Remember that each day is an opportunity to grow and evolve:  Maybe I wasn't feeling myself one day... It's okay, I'm human.  Tomorrow is another day.  Make the most of it!

Until next time....Strive for your goals and enjoy the rest of your week!!

xoxo Mandie

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