Saturday, January 24, 2015

Why am I failing??

Days to the wedding: 77

Weight Lost: 9lbs... Yeah that means I gained 2 lbs...

I stepped on the scale Friday morning, expecting to see AT LEAST the same weight I had seen Wednesday.  Nope.  211?! How can this be? I've been eating right...working out... Making a serious and conscious effort...  So naturally the first thing I did was whine to Tony and my friends about it.  Told myself I'm NOT a failure. Then I did some research.  

FIrst thing I did was watch this video by Cassey Ho on her Blogilates channel.  Since I was watching it on my lunch break I didn't get to really pay close attention to it... But from what I gathered she shared 3 things that can cause you to not lose weight. 

1. Stress
2. Lack of Sleep
3  Not drinking enough water

Well, if I am going to focus on these 3 things first...Let's see, I had a couple stressful situations this past week regarding the wedding... so there that? And we've been so busy I may have been compromising some of my sleep time.  I know it's not the lack of water... I don't really drink pop and I drink probably 100oz of water at work per day (My coworkers might also think I have a bladder problem).  

Next I read this article

Here were something I took away from it that I felt encouraged me and hopefully encourage my friends out there:

Not measuring the right things: Don't rely on the scale to measure your weight loss.  It can be so discouraging when you don't see the scale move or go up.  For all I know, maybe I gained muscle (it does weight more than fat)?  Also, I've noticed my face seems slimmer and I can squeeze into two pairs of jeans I haven't worn for months.  The scale can't tell me anything about these two things that have made me feel pretty good about myself. 

Finally I read this article: 

Here are some goals I've set for myself after my research:

  • Do 45 min of Cardio and 15 min of targeted training - AT LEAST 3 times a week
  • Find alternative post-workout snack/smoothie *The one I have now is only 155 calories with almond milk, but I've seen others that are less.  Also, I have to research more on this whole "multi-release" protein deal.  Someone said if I'm only have one shake a day that's what I need...  I don't know what it means... Maybe someone can elaborate on this for me?
  • Take body measurements to enter into MyFItnessPal
  • Research metabolism boosting breakfast options
  • REALLY try to get 8 hours of sleep a night
  • Try not to stress about the wedding
I have my work cut out for me next week, but it's all worth it in the end! 

On to my daily food share:

Breakfast: 292 Calories

Cheerios - Multi Grain Cheerios Dark Chocolate Crunch with Almond milk and a sliced banana

I call this the ol' standby.  I love cereal with milk and sliced bananas.  I've never been a super sweet cereal person, and this cereal isn't too sweet, but I do have my chocolate cravings and I think that having this cereal satisfies it.  I think putting the bananas in it also takes me back to when I was a kid.  There's just something deliciously nostalgic about it. 

Lunch: Leftover Chicken, eggplant and green bean stir fry- 260 calories

Dinner: Jimmy John's Beach Club...ungodly amount of calories...A moment of weakness when in a rush.


Again a busy night for us.  We had a precana meeting with our sponsors, I didn't get a workout in today.  :(

Today wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst.  Lets hope I can get through the weekend without doing too terrible.  I am seeing Frozen on Ice today...I definitely want a sno-cone.

To my readers: Weekends are always rough.  I'm less motivated to cook on the weekends and more tempted to go out.  I also feel like I just want to kick back and relax and not workout...How do you stay healthy on the weekends?


  1. Hmm...I had to create a Google account to publish. I had this wonderful comment and lost it. Anyway... Mandie, you are doing a great job. You motivate me which is good as I am counting down to your "Days to Mrs." too!
    Over the years I have read that you should definitely measure too because if you are exercising you are gaining muscle and becoming firmer helping you to fit into those pants you couldn't fit into a week ago. BTW - 1 pound of muscle = 1 pound of fat. Also, I weigh myself once a week - same day/same time - Sunday morning. Sunday is the start of a new week, so if I have had a bad week, it is "start again Sunday". Also, your weight can fluctuate throughout the week especially if you are retaining water for whatever reason, a salty meal, or whatever. Keep in mind the goal, eating healthy foods, becoming healthier and losing weight in the meantime. It's a longer term gig!

  2. About getting through the weekends ...1. If you know you're going to visit a specific restaurant, check out its menu online so you'll know which dish you'll be ordering based on your best guess of its nutritional content. 2. Keep a list of most nutritious meals found at fast food restaurants. 3. Have you tried preparing multiple meals at the same time so you can be on autopilot for the week? For example, one day, bake a whole chicken and a lean pork loin in the oven at the same time while you chop and prep other ingredients. During the week, use the chicken and pork meat for lean tacos, crustless quiches, stir-fries, wraps, salads, etc. Use the chicken carcass to make soup. Hope that helps!

  3. I forgot to comment! Bad friend!

    I always, always, always plan on crockpotting on Sundays. This not only sets me up with leftovers for lunch/dinners, but prevents one of the days from wanting to be a "bad food choice" day. I also make sure I get my exercise on. I go to one of my group classes on Sunday mornings, which really motivates me to be good. And, I meal plan for the week on Sundays, so that also helps me. But what about Fridays and Saturdays you say? I try to cook on Friday nights so, again, I have leftovers for Saturdays.
